Thursday, September 30, 2021

Book Review- Dishonor in Camp 133

 Title: Dishonor in Camp 133

Author: Wayne Suthurson

Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery

Series: The Sergeant Neumann Mysteries

Published: March 31, 2021

Publisher: Turnstone Press

Pages: 328

Format: Hardcover, Barnes and Noble, Amazon


Even thousands of miles from the front lines, locked in a Canadian prisoner-of-war camp death isn't far away.  When Chief Schlipal is found dead, Sergeant August Neumann, head of Camp Civil Security, and a decorated German War hero, must find out what would drive the men of the camp, brothers in arms, to turn on each other.  He learned, of course, that beneath the veneer of duty and honor, the camp is anything but civil.

When the trial of clues ends at the edge of the prison yard, Neumann must consider a crime bigger than the camp.  Is someone getting out of the prison?

My thoughts:

First let me say this; I love Historical Fiction, and Mysteries, that is why I picked this book to read.  I also love books that are about WWII.  The reason being is my grandfather was in the second World War.  So anything about this time period fascinates me.  This book was about a Canadian prisoner of war camp where German prisoners were being held.  As I was reading this, it was interesting to see the way that  there was still some kind of semblance of rank among the German prisoners, even though they were in the camp.  

Sergeant Neumann worked to uncover the mystery of the death of one of men in the camp, and also worked to find the killer.  It was definitely a different outlook, on the war and what happens behind the scenes to those soliders that were captured.

While the story line was good, and the plot was very intirguing, I wasn't really into this story as much as I thought.  I am not sure if it had to do with things that my grandfather would tell me what happened during that time, or what.  But I couldn't really stay focused on the story.  It did start off very slow and then, at times it was a little mundane, and not a whole lot of action to the story.  This is my honest opinion.

About the Author:

Wayne Authurson was born in Edmonton, Canada, the son of a Cree father, and French Candian mother. Since the age of 24, Wayne has worked as a profession writer, as a reporter, as a editor, and also a free lance novelist.

His first crime novel, Fall from Grace won the 2012 Alberta Readers Choice Award.

He now drums in an indie rock band and lives in Edmonton, Canada with his family.

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