Thursday, September 30, 2021

Book Review: Power Down

    Title: Power Down

    Author: Ben Coes

    Series: Dewey Andreas Thrillers

    Book Number: 1

    Genre: Thriller-Political

    Pages: 464

    Publisher: St. Martin's Press

    Published: September 28, 2010

    Format: Kindle, Audiobook, Hardcover


A major North American hydroelectric dam is blown up and the largest off-shore oil field in this hemisphere is destroyed in a brutal, coordinated terrorist attack.  But there was one factor that the terrorist didn't take into account when they struck the Capitana platform off the coast of Columbia-slaughtering much of the crew and blowing up the platform, and that was the Capitana crew chief Dewey Andreas.  Dewey, former Army Ranger, and Delta, survives the attack, rescuing as many of his men as possible.  But the battle has just begun.

While the intelligence and law enforcement agencies scramble to untangle the events, and find the mysterious figure, and agent embedded into the highest levels of American society and busiess, sets into play the second stage of these long planed attacks, but there is a fly in the ointment, Dewey Andreas.  Dewey is using his long dormant skills to fight his way off the platform then out of Columbia, and back to the states, and following the trail of terrorist, and operatives that are sent to stop him.

My Thoughts:

I started reading the Dewey Andreas Thrillers last month, granted I read them out of order.  But I have really enjoyed reading them.  I decided that I wanted to start with the first book.  So I checked it out at my local library.  It was an audiobook, and that was fine, as I listen to them when I am cleaning and or other things.  I really love the books so far, Ben Coes is very good with describing things and also very good with the political aspect of the action plot.  

He tells us how Dewey went back into the field to find the people who are threatening our country, and what he does to work to stop them.

This first book was an awesome beginning in the Dewey Andreas Series, and I will definitely be reading the rest in the series.

About the Author:

Ben Coes went to Columbia University, where he was awarded the university's writing award, The Bennett Cerf Memorial Prize at graduation.  

He worked at the White House during the Reagan administration, and was a White House appointed speech writer to the Secretary of Energy. 

He has written ten bestselling international espionage thrillers that include Power Down, The Last Refuge, and Eye for and Eye.

He lives in Massachusetts with his wife and four children.

Book Review- Dishonor in Camp 133

 Title: Dishonor in Camp 133

Author: Wayne Suthurson

Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery

Series: The Sergeant Neumann Mysteries

Published: March 31, 2021

Publisher: Turnstone Press

Pages: 328

Format: Hardcover, Barnes and Noble, Amazon


Even thousands of miles from the front lines, locked in a Canadian prisoner-of-war camp death isn't far away.  When Chief Schlipal is found dead, Sergeant August Neumann, head of Camp Civil Security, and a decorated German War hero, must find out what would drive the men of the camp, brothers in arms, to turn on each other.  He learned, of course, that beneath the veneer of duty and honor, the camp is anything but civil.

When the trial of clues ends at the edge of the prison yard, Neumann must consider a crime bigger than the camp.  Is someone getting out of the prison?

My thoughts:

First let me say this; I love Historical Fiction, and Mysteries, that is why I picked this book to read.  I also love books that are about WWII.  The reason being is my grandfather was in the second World War.  So anything about this time period fascinates me.  This book was about a Canadian prisoner of war camp where German prisoners were being held.  As I was reading this, it was interesting to see the way that  there was still some kind of semblance of rank among the German prisoners, even though they were in the camp.  

Sergeant Neumann worked to uncover the mystery of the death of one of men in the camp, and also worked to find the killer.  It was definitely a different outlook, on the war and what happens behind the scenes to those soliders that were captured.

While the story line was good, and the plot was very intirguing, I wasn't really into this story as much as I thought.  I am not sure if it had to do with things that my grandfather would tell me what happened during that time, or what.  But I couldn't really stay focused on the story.  It did start off very slow and then, at times it was a little mundane, and not a whole lot of action to the story.  This is my honest opinion.

About the Author:

Wayne Authurson was born in Edmonton, Canada, the son of a Cree father, and French Candian mother. Since the age of 24, Wayne has worked as a profession writer, as a reporter, as a editor, and also a free lance novelist.

His first crime novel, Fall from Grace won the 2012 Alberta Readers Choice Award.

He now drums in an indie rock band and lives in Edmonton, Canada with his family.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

More Book Reviews coming


Good morning everyone!  Just wanted you guys to know that there will be more reviews coming.  I have been quiet on internet due to my daughter being sick and I also needed to recharge my batteries so to speak.  

I am in midst of two books now and they will be ready to post on here hopefully by the weekend.  I am not sure.  I am so behind, and I do apologize. 

Have a great day guys!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Book Review The Conspiracy Book: A Chinese Deception



                 Title: The Conspiracy: A Chinese Deception

                   Author: Laurence O'Bryan

                   Genre: Thriller

                   Series: Vaccine Wars

                   Pages: 298

                   Publisher: Ardua

                   Published: November 28, 2020

                   Format: Kindle

                   My Rating:  3 stars


Robert McNeil is a vaccine scientist.  His wife died while he was rushing to London to be with her.  Her death from the Cornavirus hit him very hard.  He is asked to join a U.S. State Department mission to China, he accepts the mission.  The mission is headed by Faith Gordon, a specialist on China.  She is tasked with finding out the truth about where the virus originated.  

McNeil's vaccine, developed in a lab outside of London, is one of the leading contenders for rapid vaccine development globally.  China wants to find out everything about it.  McNeil pushes for explanations in China, and ends up in prison, in the hands of an official who tortures enemies of the government of China.

My Thoughts:

After dealing with the pandemic, I wasn't sure if I would be interested in this book.  While it was very action packed and had me wondering if Robert would succumb to his grief, or become very angry.  I felt that after reading this book and living through the pandemic, I really wasn't into reading a book about this.  Again, while it was a very good plot and subject.  You must understand that after awhile reading or hearing about the pandemic is getting a little old.  Yes, these are the times we live in, and yes this is the new normal.  But, also reading is supposed to be a way to escape what is going on around us.

I really felt heartbroken for Robert and wanted him to survive this and proceed with what he was tasked to do.  But just wasn't really into this book as much as I really thought or wanted to be. This is my honest opinion.

About the Author:  

Laurence O'Bryan was born in Dublin, Ireland.  He studied business, then IT and began rising at 4 am, so that he could study and work at the same time.  One early job was a kitchen porter near the Bank of England, cleaning the plates of the very well connected.  He stayed in London and struggled for years.  He was first published by a school newspaper when he was ten, for a short story about aliens getting lost.  Thirty five years later, he attended a authonomy workshop and not long after that was offered a publishing contract for three books.  The first of which was the Istanbul Puzzle,.  He won the Outstanding Novel award at the Southern California writers conference in 2007.



Book Review: Trap the Devil


Title: Trap the Devil

Author: Ben Coes

Genre: Thriller

Format:  Amazon, Kindle, Nook, Audiobook

Pages: 544

Publisher: St. Martins Press

Published: May 29, 2018

My Ratings: 5 stars


Some of the most powerful people in the government, military, and private sector are planning to take over the reins of the White House- and populate it with their own sympathizers and puppets.  They have already taken out the Speaker of the House, whose death was made to look like an accident.  The President and VP are the next in the line.

On restricted duty while he recovers from injuries incurred from a previous mission Dewey Andreas is sent to Paris by the director of the CIA to accompany the Secretary of State.  But what should have been a simple security job turns into a nightmare when the Secretary is take out by a hitman and blames falls on Dewey,  He is left on his own to clear his name.

My Thoughts:

People are trying to kill the President and the Vice President.  The Secretary of the State has been killed.  Everyone assumes that Dewey Andreas killed him.  But did he?  As I was reading this, I became very frustrated and angry that Dewey was in trouble, and wished that I could have been there to help him find the people who were trying to plan a coup,  
It leads us on an intelligence investigation that spans three countries and has us cheering the good guys along the way.  
This book was very action packed.  It left me not wanting to put the book down, until I knew the bad guys were identified and caught or dead.  I wanted to also keep reading to find out who was a part of this coup and see that justice was served.
If you like political thrillers of any kind I would definitely recommend Trap the Devil.
This is my very honest opinion.

About the Author:

Ben Coes went to Columbia University, where he was awarded the university's writing award, The Bennett Cerf Memorial Prize at graduation.  

He worked at the White House during the Reagan administration, and was a White House appointed speech writer to the Secretary of Energy. 

He has written ten bestselling international espionage thrillers that include Power Down, The Last Refuge, and Eye for and Eye.

He lives in Massachusetts with his wife and four children.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Book Review

 Title: First Strike

Author: Ben Coes

Genre: Thriller

Publisher:  St. Martins Press

Published: June 28, 2016

Pages: 480

Format: Kindle, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Nook, and Audiobook

My Rating: 5 stars


Deep in the Pentagon, a covert, multi-billion arms for influence program was created.  The objective was to protect the United States and its allies from terrorist acts by secretly enabling a hand picked man to emerge as the most powerful leader of the Middle East.  But Tristan Nazir double-crosses America, by twisting the program for his own violent benefits, and creates ISIS.  Now America is at risk. 

Dewey Andreas is sent to Syria to retrieve details about the ISIS funding, but unfortunately his cover is blown, in  mid operation, and chaos erupts in Damascus's streets.

My Thoughts:

This book is the sixth book in a series called Dewey Andreas Thrillers.  I don't usually read books out of order, but I thought, why not.  As soon as I started reading the first page, I just knew this book would be very well written and very intriguing.  The plot is about a man who becomes the leader of ISIS, while this story was fictional, it tells how this man became who he became, and how Dewey Andreas strives to stop him along with many others in the government.  Meanwhile, Tristian Nazir orders the terrorist cell to take college students hostage.  Yes, sometimes it was bloody and very detailed in some parts of the story, but it shows us that things aren't always what they seemed.  Ben Coes did a wonderful job with the book, and for anyone who loves Tom Clancy or even Vince Flynn, you will definitely love this book!  I would definitely recommend this to anyone who loves to read books such as this one.  This is my whole hearted honest opinion.

About the Author:

Ben Coes went to Columbia University, where he was awarded the university's writing award, the Bennett Cerf Memorial Prize at Graduation.  He worked at the White House during the Reagan administration, and was the White House appointed speech writer to the Secretary of Energy.

He has written ten best selling international thrillers that include Power Down, The Last Refuge, and Eye for an Eye.  

He lives in Massachusetts with his wife and four children.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Book Review- Absoultion


    Title:  Absolution

                                                 Author:  Henry Hack

                                                 Genre: Mystery

                                                 Publisher:   Black Rose Writing

                                                 Published:  September 2, 2021

                                                 Format: Kindle, Amazon, Nook, Audiobook

                                                 Pages:  300

                                                 My Ratings: 5 stars


A teenager Joey "Noonz" Mastrronunizo is forced to participate in a home invasion in Queens leaving a young couple dead and their infant son an orphan.  Even though he did not pull the trigger, he is determined to atone for his actions that night by joining the Marine Corps and then joining the seminary after the military.  

The baby, Michael Simon grows up to become a NYPD homicide lieutenant determined to locate and arrest the "guy who got" away from the scene of the murders. When Lt. Simon finally discovers the identify the second prepatrator, he is shocked to learn he has known most of his life.

My Thoughts:

When I first started reading this I wasn't sure what to expect from the book, and the author.  Absolution was riveting in the fact it was very educational about certain issues in the Catholic church.  It also showed us a friendship that evolved from a tragedy that spanned years.  Then as they both worked together to basically right a wrong, I felt like I was investigating this with them, and helping them to right the wrong.  

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves crime mysteries.  This is my open and honest opinion.

About the Author:

Henry Hack served for twenty two years in the Nassau County, NY Police Department.  He was in charge of the Scientific Investigation Bureau and was an expert witness for several forensic evidence areas.  Henry has published ten crime novels in two series.  A lifelong New Yorker, he currently resides in North Carolina with his wife.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Book Review- Deeper Than The Dead


Title: Deeper Than The Dead

Author: Tami Hoag

Genre: Thriller

Series: Book one in the series

Publisher: Penguin Random House

Published: November 23, 2009

Format: Amazon, Kindle, Audiobook, Hardcover, Nook

Pages: 433

My Rating:  5 stars


California 1985- Four children and young teacher Anne Navarre make a gruesome discovery, a partially buried female body, her eyes and mouth glued shut.  A serial killer is at large, and the very bonds that hold their little town together are about to be tested to the breaking point.  

Tasked with finding the killer, Vince Leone, from the FBI uses a new technique called "profiling" which takes him into the lives of the children and the young teacher, whose need to uncover the truth is as intense as his own.

My Thoughts:

This book is the first in the series.  From the beginning the book took off.  Every single chapter was filled with suspense and drama.  This book was very hard to put down.  As the story went along, it had me trying to guess who the serial killer was.  But every time I thought I had it figured out, new things pop up and it had me trying to figure it out all over again.. It was at the last minute that I figured it out.  I would definitely have to say that I would absolutely recommend this book and the series.

About the Author:

Tami Hoag is the #1 bestselling author of more than thirty million books.  there are more than 40 million copies of her books in print, in more than thirty languages.  Renowned for combining thrilling plots with character driven suspense.  Tami hit the New York Times bestseller list with Night Sins, and all her books have since have been bestsellers.  She lives in California

Book Review- Searching for Truth


 Title: Searching for Truth

Author: Barry Finlay

Genre: Mystery

Publisher : www.

Published: September 1, 2021

Format: Kindle, Nook

Number of Pages: 330

My Rating: 5 stars


Former journalist Jake Scott relies on his weekly breakfast gatherings and his cat named Oliver, to keep his spirits up.  He lost his wife, and his daughter moved to Toronto,  and he retired from his job.  

Things change when one of the people he has breakfast with, a beautiful police detective with a troubled daughter suggests Jake write a book, when he takes her advice and researches a convicted murderer's case, he finds out something is terribly wrong. Could a member of the breakfast group be hiding a secret that is deadly enough to commit murder?

My Thoughts:

First, let me just say that this is an author that is new to me, and I have to say that I will definitely  be reading more works from Barry Finlay.  

Searching for Truth was from the moment I started at page one to the very end was one that kept you engrossed and kept you glued to the book wanting to know what happened.  

As Jake investigated and researched this case that he was writing about for his book, it became clear to him that things weren't what they seemed.  I also wanted to figure out what had happened and who was the murderer. 

About the Author: 

Barry Finlay is an author of five award winning books and Amazon bestselling books.  He had an extensive career in financial management before retiring in 2004, after 32 years with the Canadian federal government.  Since retiring, he has divided his time between being an author, working as a consultant, and traveling.  He also enjoys spending time with his family and grandchildren.


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

A little update

 Good morning everyone!  First let me start by saying that I am really excited about doing book reviews.  So far, I am enjoying it.  I am still new to this, but I am hoping that along the way I can learn some tips and tricks to all this.  I would just ask that you all be a little patient with me this week, as I have a lot going on and not a lot of time to read.

I have also come down with a cold ugh.  But I will do my best to keep posting reviews and I hope that you all will continue to support and follow me on this new adventure.  

Book Review: Rogue Sequence

Title:  Rogue Sequence Author:  Zac Topping Genre:  Technothriller Series:  Ander Rade Book in Series:  Book 1 Publisher:  Tor Books Publica...